IiPalethi zeNsimbi eziKhethekileyo zokuSebenza kweRobhothi

Kutshanje, inkampani yethu ivule isicelo esitsha sepallet, esisetyenziselwa ukuphatha irobhothi, uluhlu lwempahla okanye ukuthathwa.Iphalethi yonke iqulethwe ngamanyathelo amane asezantsi kunye nepaneli yesiseko, isakhiwo silula.I-bottom iphezulu kuneepaliti eziqhelekileyo ukusuka emhlabeni kwaye inomgama othile, okulungele ukuba irobhothi ithathe okanye ibeke phantsi ipallet.I-pallet inkulu, kwaye ubude be-1800mm kunye nobubanzi be-1200mm.Ngokuqinisekileyo, ubungakanani bunokwenziwa ngokwezifiso.Ngokweemfuno zokubeka okanye ukugcinwa kweempahla ezahlukeneyo, yila ubukhulu obuhlukeneyo beepalati.

Ngokweemfuno zomthengi zokugcina iimpahla, iphaneli yephalethi yenziwe ngeetyhubhu ezixande, kwaye ipleyiti yentsimbi yenziwa phakathi kwepallet, kwaye ilogo "ishumi" ibhalwe, kwangaxeshanye, ilogo ehambelana nayo nayo ibhalwe. ikrolwe emazantsi.Emva koko irobhothi inokuskena ilogo kwaye yenze inyathelo elilandelayo.Iithebhu zidityaniswe macala onke ephaneli ukuze kugcinwe umthwalo kwindawo kwaye uthintele ukuba ungaweli emhlabeni.Emazantsi, iibhloko zomda zikwadityanisiwe ecaleni kwezibane eziphakamileyo ukuthintela ukusebenza okungafanelekanga, okunokuvumela i-robot ifumane ngokuchanekileyo indawo efanelekileyo yephalethi.

ipalethi yentsimbi

Njengoko sonke sisazi, umbala wepallet unokwenziwa ngokwezifiso, umxhasi ukhethe umbala oluhlaza oqhelekileyo.I-bottom of the pallet, oko kukuthi, iphaneli yephalethi, inokuqulunqwa ngohlobo oluhlukeneyo ngokweemfuno ezahlukeneyo zokugcina umthengi.

Today we introduced is the new application of pallets. Conventionally, we have variety type of pallets, such as two-legged, three-legged, double-sided pallets, single-sided pallets, right-angle pallets, rounded pallets, galvanized, powder coated, pallets on the shelf, and pallets not on the shelf, etc. It greatly facilitate the storage and handling of goods. If any interest for the pallets, kindly email us at contact@lyracks.com


Ixesha lokuposa: Nov-09-2022